On October 27, BoricuActivatEd held its most recent civic engagement training in Philadelphia, just a few blocks from our new headquarters on N. 5th St. Thanks to a generous grant from the Philadelphia Foundation, we were able to partner with Ceiba, the coalition-building organization in the local Latino community. More than two-dozen attendees from various organizations met with State Representatives Jose Giral and Danilo Burgos, along with representatives from the offices of Congressman Brendan Boyle and Senator Art Haywood. 


“While we love engaging with people all over the country, it is always a special honor to interact with people in our hometown of Philadelphia,” said BoricuActivatEd founder Jennice Fuentes.  “The participants were excited to share their personal stories and advocate for important changes in our city and country, ranging from steps to address the growing opiate crisis to reforming our immigration system. We are eager to follow-up with our participants and Ceiba as the civic engagement journey continues.” 



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